James D. Watson – Genes, Girls and Gamow – First Uncorrected Proof

watson d james genes girls and gamow first uncorrected proof

James D. Watson – Genes, Girls and Gamow – First Uncorrected Proof


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James Watson – Genes, Girls and Gamow – Uncorrected Proof (Unbound)A first edition, uncorrected proof of Watson’s autobiography. In very good condition with some creasing as is usual with proof copies.At the time of writing, the only copy for sale

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Availability: 1 in stock SKU: 3071 Categories: ,


James Watson – Genes, Girls and Gamow – Uncorrected Proof (Unbound)A first edition, uncorrected proof of Watson’s autobiography. In very good condition with some creasing as is usual with proof copies.At the time of writing, the only copy for sale